Mike Bullock / Ears in Space
composer, writer & acoustic ecologist / a studio for environmental recording & spatial audio
3 July 2022
The Wildlife Sound Recording Society held its annual general meeting this week, during which the results of their Field Recording Competition were announced. A big thank you to the judges for selecting one of my recordings as runner-up in the restricted category for habitats - it was an honor to be included on an impressive roster of winners and qualifiers, including the President of the WSRS, Chris Watson.
Here's the recording, of whip-poor-wills and several amphibian species on the edge of a hidden lake in Massachusetts, shortly after dark in early June 2021. It was recorded with the Audio-Technica BP4025 stereo mic that has been my stalwart sidekick for 15 years.
11 March 2022
Here's an excerpt of my Brown University talk on my YouTube channel. The mask makes it a little hard to understand me so you can click on the Closed Captioning button for some hand-corrected semi-automatic subtitles.
2 March 2022
Ephemerospheres, 6 works for my Ears In Space wave field synthesis array, will be presented at Brown University on Wednesday, 2 March, starting at 5 pm. I'll be giving a lecture-demonstration on the array, which I call the Model A, at 2 pm that day.
25 April - 5 May 2022
The Flight of the Pipistrelle, a voyage on the British inland waterways system to collect and live-stream the sounds of British bats, birds, and their environments. In collaboration with SoundCamp (London). More information soon.
6 November 2021
Visit the Documentation page for my recent installation Ephemerospheres which just finished its ruin at Harvestworks on Governors Island, NYC.